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Steph en Inde!
12 septembre 2011

This time we've been really fooled...

.... By a temple...

Well we really expected something spiritual, something calm, beautiful too see...... i was completely disapointed by my first temple.

KALI Temple, that's the name.

Well, first we enter i liked all the colours, the flowers. And we met a priest that speaks english and he just guide us and explain us. Well was ok, when u go for a hindu temple, better to be guide by someone who knows what to do.

So we got flowers and stick of encense, and we have to remove our shoes. We were 5 and we didnt trust them, so 3 of us went and two others were keeping our shoes.

It was very dirty , u have dogs everywhere, flowers, and was slippery.. so dangerous with all the people pushing ( i was expecting something calm..)

When we enter in the part where we have to throw flowers, i was scared lol, everyone wants to throw flowers, they were pushing end everything, i couldnt enjoy the moment peacefully....

Then we arrive at an altar. So Davide went first to pray with the guide. Romina and I were waiting on the other side. Then was my turn, we pray and at the end , i knwe we had to pay him but well.. he asked way too much. And he asked this after u pray for the people u liked, so u cannot give him too little... I saw Davide face , lol he pay double than me.... Romina payed like me... but we all have been fooled... they say this go to poor people, but we cant be sure of it. So that's a good lesson for us, no need to take a Priest/guide next time...

P1030562___CopieOur winner faces lol, after the altar... you can see behind gange water, so people come here to watch their feet, their faces... and sometimes the whole body inside.
